Thursday, April 19, 2007

Had stuff to say, so I made a blog

Hello, my name is Kelly. I am 30....ish. I keep seeing all these various blogs. I have thoughts too and never get to share them. So now I guess I have a blog. Let's see how this goes.


MAM said...

Hello Kelly,
I too have never done this before, however your message hit a cord in my heart. You feel like you are not saved because you have questions. We all have questions, no one has all the answers. Jesus is the only one with them all. But here is what I know. If you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord. Then you are saved. Satan, however would like to keep you spinning and doubting. He would like nothing more that to keep you depressed. John 10:10 says that "the theif comes only to steal, kill and destroy; while Jesus came that you might have life, and have it to the full". Satan is trying to destroy you by keeping you in doubt. You know about the gift of you just need to recieve it. So accept Jesus into your heart, and then say it is DONE! You are saved, no matter what happens, no matter what Satan whispers in your ear, no matter what happened in your child hood, you are going to Heaven. When the doubt comes and it will, simply say, out loud if need be...That is a lie, I am saved by the blood of Jesus. Your message points out one other thing...We don't always "feel" saved, but don't let this convince you that you are not. Being Saved is not a feeling, it is a commitment to Jesus. Boy I am so glad that the Judge of this world is Jesus and not Pastors or Priest that mean well but sometimes miss the mark. I hope this helps a bit.
Your Sister in Christ.

dtdye said...

Kelly, where are you from? Where do you live? Are you in a good church? I want to let you know when you put your trust into Jesus Christ, it's not how much faith you feel you have, it's how much power does the object of your faith have to save you. If your house was on fire and you had to jump from the 2nd or 3rd floor to firemen with a net below, it would not matter how much faith you had in them as long as you had enough to trust them to catch you. But if you had lots of faith in them and jumped but they were standing there with hands in pockets, they could not save you. Jesus will not let you down. He had the power to create the entire Universe, and He has the power to create in you a new creature. God bless you. David -

Unknown said...

Hey, I saw your message on Ray's blog. I am also a part of the SoBE (jessiebrown23 is my name there).

Just thought I would say hi!